'cause the band is still playing.
Ah... sleep...
If anyone wonders, dreamhack killed me.
Dh09 Winter. By the Emperor I missed Dh, So much to do, so little time.
Four days of bliss and about 10 hours of sleep in total. Yeah, I feel like crap. Totally worth it though!
My plan was to update the blog once a day during dreamhack, let's just say that my priorities got messed up.
So, for four days I watched True blood, House M.D, Bones and Supernatural. Not to forget the 'round 20 hours I spent mowing down soldiers in Modern Warfare 2.
In short, A good time was had by all, except the ones at the wrong end of my barrel.
I also played Starcraft II, and yes, deep down I am a Blizzard fanboi. Nothing compares to a massive zergling rush.
Even managed to survive one round in the Beta tournament they held! For the swarm!
Dreamhack this year was massive and superb, the only complaints I have was our seats( Please, lets not sit directly under the ventilation next year) and the 15 y o in the seats infront of us.
I tried to kill them with my mind once every 15 minutes or so, sadly, without success.
I know, it's not witty and it's not pretty but I'm too tired for this. I promise a better post in a day or two - when I'm rested.
In other news,
Beat Dragon age, already began the second playthrough.
Horus Heresy series ist done.
Finished the latest book in the Gaunt's ghost's series, ffs high command! The Tanith first and only belongs on the frontlines!
Jin-roh - the wolf brigade is still a good movie.
Got mah new books, more short reviews/musings! yay!
Windows 7 is still awesome.
Radiohead saves the day yet again.
I hate my current theme, will make my own when hell freezes over.
Still got a job, on that note, better get to it again.
--Thought of the Day--
Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise
If anyone wonders, dreamhack killed me.
Dh09 Winter. By the Emperor I missed Dh, So much to do, so little time.
Four days of bliss and about 10 hours of sleep in total. Yeah, I feel like crap. Totally worth it though!
My plan was to update the blog once a day during dreamhack, let's just say that my priorities got messed up.
So, for four days I watched True blood, House M.D, Bones and Supernatural. Not to forget the 'round 20 hours I spent mowing down soldiers in Modern Warfare 2.
In short, A good time was had by all, except the ones at the wrong end of my barrel.
I also played Starcraft II, and yes, deep down I am a Blizzard fanboi. Nothing compares to a massive zergling rush.
Even managed to survive one round in the Beta tournament they held! For the swarm!
Dreamhack this year was massive and superb, the only complaints I have was our seats( Please, lets not sit directly under the ventilation next year) and the 15 y o in the seats infront of us.
I tried to kill them with my mind once every 15 minutes or so, sadly, without success.
I know, it's not witty and it's not pretty but I'm too tired for this. I promise a better post in a day or two - when I'm rested.
In other news,
Beat Dragon age, already began the second playthrough.
Horus Heresy series ist done.
Finished the latest book in the Gaunt's ghost's series, ffs high command! The Tanith first and only belongs on the frontlines!
Jin-roh - the wolf brigade is still a good movie.
Got mah new books, more short reviews/musings! yay!
Windows 7 is still awesome.
Radiohead saves the day yet again.
I hate my current theme, will make my own when hell freezes over.
Still got a job, on that note, better get to it again.
--Thought of the Day--
Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise