
Right! So I've moved to a new address: love it!

Reading... stuff...


Still no word concerning the appartement.

Yume De Aetara by Yamahana Noriyuki
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Seinen, Slice Of Life
One of those silly romantic mangas. Real knucklebiter.

Asatte Dance by Yamamoto Naoki
Genre: Adult, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Seinen
Funny most of the time, heartwrenching at others

Living Game by Hoshisato Mochiru
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen, Slice Of Life
Another fantastic romantic manga. Strongly recommended.

Video Girl Ai by Katsura Masakazu
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, School Life, Sci-fi, Tragedy
First romance manga I read.

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou by Ashinano Hitoshi
Genre: Sci-fi, Slice of life
A manga concerning the everyday life of a cyborg named Alpha.

Monster by Urasawa Naoki
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen
A massive haunting work, a murderer haunting the man that saved him.

Island by Youn In-wan
Genre: Action, Horror, Seinen
Korean manga concerning the supernatural, pretty and there be gore.

Kiseijuu by Iwaaki Hitoshi
Genre: Horror, Mature, Psychological, Sci-fi, Seinen, Tragedy
One of those mangas that will leave you feeling empty

Blame! by Nihei Tsutomu
Genre: Action, Horror, Mature, Sci-fi, Seinen
Worth a look, for the artwork if nothing else.

Kemonotachi No Yoru by Shiomi Chika
Genre: Horror, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural
An unknown, but seems nice. Good cover atleast...

Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä by Miyazaki Hayao
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-fi
If you've seen the movie, you gotta read this.

Mars by Souryo Fuyumi
Genre: Drama, Josei, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, School Life, Shoujo, Slice Of Life
Ah the troubles of asian youth.

Check back! laterz, Pretty good chance I will have added more manga.

--Thought for the Day--

Wisdom is the beginning of fear

In mah house.

Dear readers.

I apologize for the apparent gross neglect of this blogg.
Without further ado I shall attempt to redeem myself in my readers eyes.
bah, who the hell am I kidding? I now damn well I'll "forget" to update again.
Life sucks, get a helmet.

So, whats new in my life?
I now own a shiney ps3( yeah yeah, My computer is still mah favorite baby)
A brand new iRiver e-book reader, damn good buy that. So many books, so little space.
AND! I will soon be the proud tennant in my very own borrowed appartement! who'd knew!?( if the previous tennant didn't crash the place that is.)

Since ze shiney new dungeon isn't confirmed yet I'll talk about the ps3
I'm impressed with it, good graphics, the games I bought are entertaining to the point that I'd like to take a few days off from work to gorge myself.
I'm also impressed with how easy it was to get the sexy little thing to find all the videos and mp3s I got stored on my computer.
I'm poorer, but it was worth it.

well, Now that you know I'm still alive - I'll get the feth outa here before the fans notice I'm back.

-- Thought for the Day --

Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution

'cause the band is still playing.

Ah... sleep...
If anyone wonders, dreamhack killed me.

Dh09 Winter. By the Emperor I missed Dh, So much to do, so little time.
Four days of bliss and about 10 hours of sleep in total. Yeah, I feel like crap. Totally worth it though!

My plan was to update the blog once a day during dreamhack, let's just say that my priorities got messed up.
So, for four days I watched True blood, House M.D, Bones and Supernatural. Not to forget the 'round 20 hours I spent mowing down soldiers in Modern Warfare 2.
In short, A good time was had by all, except the ones at the wrong end of my barrel.

I also played Starcraft II, and yes, deep down I am a Blizzard fanboi. Nothing compares to a massive zergling rush.
Even managed to survive one round in the Beta tournament they held! For the swarm!

Dreamhack this year was massive and superb, the only complaints I have was our seats( Please, lets not sit directly under the ventilation next year) and the 15 y o in the seats infront of us.
I tried to kill them with my mind once every 15 minutes or so, sadly, without success.

I know, it's not witty and it's not pretty but I'm too tired for this. I promise a better post in a day or two - when I'm rested.

In other news,

Beat Dragon age, already began the second playthrough.
Horus Heresy series ist done.
Finished the latest book in the Gaunt's ghost's series, ffs high command! The Tanith first and only belongs on the frontlines!
Jin-roh - the wolf brigade is still a good movie.
Got mah new books, more short reviews/musings! yay!
Windows 7 is still awesome.
Radiohead saves the day yet again.
I hate my current theme, will make my own when hell freezes over.
Still got a job, on that note, better get to it again.

--Thought of the Day--
Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise

Since I can't get no sleep.

Phew. Been an intence week, or rather, it's been intence since last thursday. Damn you, Bioware, for making a modern version of Baldur's Gate, The bane of sleep, destroyer of social life.

Dragon age: Origins is everything it promised to be, Great mature story, an immersive world, low system requirements(yay for max graphics on laptop) and THE bloody game of the year.

I've played for 36 hours or so and so far I've completed less than 35% of all the content in the game. It's singleplayer, and that keeps the quality high - no lord noobhaxxorz running around.The voice acting is very good in most areas, there is no denying it.

The graphical art design is leaned towards the realistic side of things, no over the top shiney "look a power ranger!" armor which is very refreshing.
I've heard a lot of complaints regarding that and I say, they're talking out of their own arse.
If you look at the "better" gear you see the difference in craftmanship, It looks like it's better crafted. It's subtle, and that explains why most gamers can't appreciate it. Sissy final fantasy lovers... A wee bit of refined taste wouldn't hurt you.
It's a grim George R.R Martin kinda world, and that my good friends, is the reason we all should love it.

No one is to be trusted at face value. Everyone has an agenda. There is no such thing as innocence, only varying degrees of guilt.
Not that much has happened on the reading side, well, I've read about half Legion by Dan Abnett and it's everything you can expect from him, a good read all in all.

--Thought of the Day--
To withdraw in disgust is not apathy.

As I lay here crying.

Trying to install windows 7 on a Asus G50V is...
Lets look at it like this. The G50V laptop is you. You're 6 years old. Meet Vista, its your big brother who loves you. Windows 7, the guy that picks on you alot. Grabbing your toys, pissing in your drink - stuff like that.
What we have here is a scenario with two endings that goes like this

Installing a pure version of windows 7:
Your big brother leaves the country with your father and you never see him again. Windows 7 turns into the worst bully ever, he steals your dvd, he eats all your candy so you can't get that extra speedboost and he hits you over the head with a brick. You're rushed to the hospital with the diagnosis: Retarded. Bad ending.

Uppgrading vista to windows 7:
Your big brother never leaves, he loves you and will bring down his oversized fists on anyone that tries to hurt you. He catches windows 7 in the act as the little inbred bastard tries to convince a dog to take a dump on your jacket. Big brother intervenes with furious anger. He charges forth, grabs the dog by the tail, swings the dog over his head and proceeds to beat windows 7 into submission. The dog yelps and windows 7's screams echo across the schoolyard. You run to your brother hugging him and thanking him for his timely interference. Crying and with snot running down his face( not to forget the smashed dog) windows 7 begs forgivness and promises to be your bitch forever. Good ending.

Yeah, so I finally got the damn thing working... Haven't tested any games or other demanding applications yet( was about done 02.13 this morning) but it seems promising. Even stays overclocked from what I can divine. When it works its feckin fantastic.

No new manga today... and will review Galaxy in flames tomorrow(if you can call my pathetic little notes as a review).

--Thought of the Day--
Success is commemorated; Failure merely remembered.

When the walls go down.

Tired... might be chronic.

The Horus heresy seems less awesome now that I'm done with False gods, It's not bad! but I feel that Dan Abnett might have raised the bar a couple of notches to high for the rest of the authors in the series. It might be because I'm pretty much a Abnett fanboy or it might be that the authors different styles screws with how he first portrayed the characters.

So, False Gods. Horus is now corrupted by the dark entities that inhabbit the twisted Warp. He's becoming violent, aggressive and destructive in his methods. Something that doesn't fit his usual modus operandi( considering he is a Space Marine Primarch that indicates overkill... Considering he's bred for nothing more than war in the first place.). And as this progresses he pulls the space marine legions, the imperial army and by the sounds of it, the mechanicum of mars with him( Many whom have no idea of Horus's actual plans.).

There are of course loyalist forces still in the 63th expedition fleet, and he has started planning the Istvaan III betrayel. Enter the sequel, Galaxy in flames by Ben Counter. In other words, good stuff yet to come.

In other news, My windows 7 copy has finally shipped! I'm expecting it today or tomorrow. So Microsoft, thank you, sir. May I have another?

A little gem that makes you feel warm and fuzzy

--Thought of the Day--
A broad mind lacks focus.

Windows 7 has arrived!!! joy in a box!!!

Where no one can hear you scream.

I dislike going to bed... I'm not even tired yet, though I know I will be in the morning. Funny how that works.

So, Horus rising was perfect. Beautiful even. Hopes are about to be crushed. The Imperium will soon enter a future where there can be no peace, only war. The seeds of heresy has been sown and the Imperium will reap its rotten harvest.
I actually liked Horus, atleast his pre-heresy self. I know, I know. Writing that is probably heresy in itself and if I'm not careful I'll have the inquisition on my tail... Yeah, so Horus is an arse. There. Now I feel abit safer.
Looking forward to the next book in the series even if its written by another author. False Gods by Graham McNeil... yum... ah well, McNeil is alright. Although abit on the cheesier side.

In other news, I've fallen in love with supreme commander again. Nothing gives you satisfaction more than mayhem on a massive scale, The battlefield was black with burnt out tank chassis <3

Since none of my friends ever bothered with supreme commander I had to play around with myself( How very wrong that sounds) and soon got bored with it.
Thats when I found this little darling:

--Thought of the Day--
Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.

In a office, far far away.

I hate morning. I hate waking up...

Most likely my own bleeding fault for staying up all night reading again.
Funny how it always turns out this way, no matter how much I try to tell myself that I actually need to sleep at some point.

Yeah, so it turns out that the Horus Heresy series is alot better than I expected. Quite evident from my sleep depraved state. I'm currently on the first book, Horus rising, and so far the only irk I got with it is that I'm so damned used to the Imperium being THE most oppresive state ever. In this era, mankind is still making progress, populating new worlds and bringing lost worlds back into the warm embrace of the Emperor. Feck, even the Luna wolves legion seems like a bunch of nice guys. The mere thought of hope within that universe seems unthinkable, but knowing how the future will be( and how the author, Dan Abnett, likes to kill characters the reader has connected with.) we can expect the shit hitting the fan before the book is over.
Read it, you know you want to.

--Thought of the Day--
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

Here I am.

First facebook now this... damnit.

Right, Welcome to the Sixtysixth!

guh... this is harder than I thought. Well, This blogg will contain my random rumblings, links that I want to share, music, movies, games. The list goes on, all in all - all the good stuff that keeps me entertained.

This( admittedly great idea) was pointed out to me by my very good friend Petra, whom during the years had to endure an endless torrent of links to this and that( no idea how she actually endured that, patience of an angel).

She simply said "I can't really be bothered with that at the moment, didn't you make a blogg a while back?"
And I replied "well yeah..."
"Then use it!".
I know, I know - Thats not 100% verbatim, but I think we get the point.

So ehm... Enjoy.

--Thought of the day--
An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind

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