In a office, far far away.

I hate morning. I hate waking up...

Most likely my own bleeding fault for staying up all night reading again.
Funny how it always turns out this way, no matter how much I try to tell myself that I actually need to sleep at some point.

Yeah, so it turns out that the Horus Heresy series is alot better than I expected. Quite evident from my sleep depraved state. I'm currently on the first book, Horus rising, and so far the only irk I got with it is that I'm so damned used to the Imperium being THE most oppresive state ever. In this era, mankind is still making progress, populating new worlds and bringing lost worlds back into the warm embrace of the Emperor. Feck, even the Luna wolves legion seems like a bunch of nice guys. The mere thought of hope within that universe seems unthinkable, but knowing how the future will be( and how the author, Dan Abnett, likes to kill characters the reader has connected with.) we can expect the shit hitting the fan before the book is over.
Read it, you know you want to.

--Thought of the Day--
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


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