Here I am.
First facebook now this... damnit.
Right, Welcome to the Sixtysixth!
guh... this is harder than I thought. Well, This blogg will contain my random rumblings, links that I want to share, music, movies, games. The list goes on, all in all - all the good stuff that keeps me entertained.
This( admittedly great idea) was pointed out to me by my very good friend Petra, whom during the years had to endure an endless torrent of links to this and that( no idea how she actually endured that, patience of an angel).
She simply said "I can't really be bothered with that at the moment, didn't you make a blogg a while back?"
And I replied "well yeah..."
"Then use it!".
"Then use it!".
I know, I know - Thats not 100% verbatim, but I think we get the point.
So ehm... Enjoy.
--Thought of the day--
An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind
An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind
Postat av: Petra
hoho excellent beginning ^^
Postat av: Khadders
Why, thank you! =D